Friday, June 8, 2012

My Old, Old, Old Projects

A colour wash flip-n-stitch
I started this maybe when I was in high school. There are only two blocks finished, but I still have it and remarkably, I still like it.

This is in direct contrast to other quilt projects that have come and gone in my life. My mother pointed out that every quilt you make tends to be more beautiful than the last. I believe this to be true because our brain, the amazing machine it is, continues to change as we do new things.

As you may note from my other quilts (notably my I-Spy), I like the vibrant colours (no thank you to beige) and I also like the colour wash effect.

So this quilt is on my mind. I spend a lot of time just thinking of things as I'm doing the dishes and sitting with the baby and... I'm hoping to come back to this one again, although I'm thinking of changing the pattern a bit.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

More Redwork

Nursery Rhyme block #2
Another nursery rhyme. Only 10 more!